Much intentionality is required when researching Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) curricula to implement. It is vitally important that chosen curriculum is medically accurate and age-appropriate and, if the curriculum is funded by SRAE state or federal funding, it must adequately address each required topic (A-F) listed in the grant guidance. Curriculum should include information about the skills needed to avoid risk and achieve optimal sexual health, and curriculum authors should be able to provide evidence of effectiveness (evidence-based/evidence-informed).[1]
Create a community snapshot
Prior to choosing a curriculum it is important to understand the community in which you want to implement programming.
- What are current teen unintended pregnancy and STI/STD rates in the community?
- What is the data concerning other high-risk teen behaviors that influence the teen sexual activity rates?
- Investigate whether any curricula are currently presented and at what grade levels.
- Identify needs or gaps in sex education instruction.
Investigate curricula
- Search the websites of SRAE curricula providers and contact the publisher.
- Ask the curriculum author questions regarding core concepts to make sure the curriculum aligns with the needs/expectation of your SRAE approach.
- Ask for copies of sample scripts, lesson plans, and supplemental materials.
- Inquire whether they have completed curriculum certification training and other related SRA certifications that enhance professionalism.
- Verify curriculum is designed for multiple grade levels in the event you want to expand programming to additional age groups.
- Crosswalk the curriculum to studies showing best SRAE outcomes.
- Recommended resource: The Center for Relationship Education’s SMARTool can help guide assessment of SRAE curricula.
- Scrutinize the curriculum for congruence with the Universal Standards for Optimal Sexual Development.
- Assess whether the program is a good fit for the community and complies with the state educational requirements and state laws for sex education.
More Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Implementation Tip Sheets:
Tip Sheet: How to Implement Effective SRAE Programming
Tip Sheet: Important Facts About SRAE
Tip Sheet: Creating a Healthy Organizational Culture to Support Your SRAE Program
Tip Sheet: Considerations for Implementing an SRAE Program at the Local Level
Tip Sheet: Cost Considerations of Implementing an SRAE Program
Tip Sheet: Sample Job Descriptions for SRAE Administrators and Presenters
Tip Sheet: How to Interview Candidates for the SRAE Presenter Role
Tip Sheet: Qualities of a Successful SRAE Presenter
Tip Sheet: Finding Effective SRAE Presenters
Tip Sheet: Training and Retaining SRAE Presenters
Tip Sheet: Enhancing Your Relationship with the SRAE Program Host
Tip Sheet: Getting Your SRAE Program into Schools
By Ascend under contract with Public Strategies. (2021) [SRAE Quick Tip Guide] Public Strategies, Oklahoma City, OK.
[1] Ascend. (2019). Authentic SRA Curricula. Retrieved September 15, 2021, from