Potential Costs
Implementing a Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) program has a variety of expenses to be considered. These expenses may include but are not limited to:
- Hiring program staff
- Purchase of curricula – expenses may include:
- Model presentation scripts
- Leader/facilitator kits (one-time kit per presenter)
- Software for multimedia use
- Student booklets, handouts, resources, pens/pencils, skit supplies, and props
- Digital and other related presentation needs – these may include laptop, projector, speakers, extension cord, remote controller, software to drive media, lapel mic, equipment bag to carry supplies, etc.
- Small incentives for student participation, if permitted
- Specific curriculum training for your presenters (one-time cost)
- Ongoing professional development and accreditation, lending credibility and confidence to overall subject matter expertise
- Travel and transportation – decide if mileage will be offered for speakers to drive his/her own vehicle (each state sets standards for mileage reimbursement) or if the use of a company vehicle will be available for transportation. If a company vehicle is to be secured, expenses may include:
- Price of vehicleTax/licenseFuel (gas cards may be given/used for presenters to fuel automobile)Insurance
Evaluating a Program’s Cost-Per-Student
It is helpful to evaluate your program’s cost-per-student for two important reasons:
- You will be able to share with stakeholders the financial value of the services provided by your organization.
- It may be required to secure grant funding or funding from other sources.
To calculate cost-per-student:
- Determine the organization’s entire financial budget.
- Calculate the percentage of the cost of the educational program to the entire budget. The following are suggested items to consider in the education program budget:
- Staff wages
- Program materials and supplies
- Office supplies
- Equipment repair and purchases (laptop, speakers, projector, etc.)
- Mileage/fuel reimbursement
- Cell phone allowance
- Presenter training and related staff/volunteer professional development
- Public relations, program promotional materials, and social media engagement
- If applicable, consult your organization’s financial personnel to determine direct, indirect, and overhead expenses related to the program (make sure you value all volunteers at a reasonable rate for services provided).
- Calculate cost-per-student (direct expense + indirect expense + overhead) divided by total students served = cost-per-student.
More Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Implementation Tip Sheets:
Tip Sheet: How to Implement Effective SRAE Programming
Tip Sheet: Important Facts About SRAE
Tip Sheet: Creating a Healthy Organizational Culture to Support Your SRAE Program
Tip Sheet: Considerations for Implementing an SRAE Program at the Local Level
Tip Sheet: Cost Considerations of Implementing an SRAE Program
Tip Sheet: Choosing an SRAE Curriculum
Tip Sheet: Sample Job Descriptions for SRAE Administrators and Presenters
Tip Sheet: How to Interview Candidates for the SRAE Presenter Role
Tip Sheet: Qualities of a Successful SRAE Presenter
Tip Sheet: Finding Effective SRAE Presenters
Tip Sheet: Training and Retaining SRAE Presenters
Tip Sheet: Enhancing Your Relationship with the SRAE Program Host
Tip Sheet: Getting Your SRAE Program into Schools
By Ascend under contract with Public Strategies. (2021) [SRAE Quick Tip Guide] Public Strategies, Oklahoma City, OK.