Potential Costs

Implementing a Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) program has a variety of expenses to be considered. These expenses may include but are not limited to:

  • Purchase of curricula – expenses may include:
    • Model presentation scripts
    • Leader/facilitator kits (one-time kit per presenter)
    • Software for multimedia use
    • Student booklets, handouts, resources, pens/pencils, skit supplies, and props
    • Digital and other related presentation needs – these may include laptop, projector, speakers, extension cord, remote controller, software to drive media, lapel mic, equipment bag to carry supplies, etc.
    • Small incentives for student participation, if permitted
  • Specific curriculum training for your presenters (one-time cost)
  • Ongoing professional development and accreditation, lending credibility and confidence to overall subject matter expertise
  • Travel and transportation – decide if mileage will be offered for speakers to drive his/her own vehicle (each state sets standards for mileage reimbursement) or if the use of a company vehicle will be available for transportation. If a company vehicle is to be secured, expenses may include:
    • Price of vehicleTax/licenseFuel (gas cards may be given/used for presenters to fuel automobile)Insurance

Evaluating a Program’s Cost-Per-Student

It is helpful to evaluate your program’s cost-per-student for two important reasons:

  • You will be able to share with stakeholders the financial value of the services provided by your organization.
  • It may be required to secure grant funding or funding from other sources.

To calculate cost-per-student: 

  1. Determine the organization’s entire financial budget. 
  2. Calculate the percentage of the cost of the educational program to the entire budget. The following are suggested items to consider in the education program budget:
    • Staff wages
    • Program materials and supplies
    • Office supplies
    • Equipment repair and purchases (laptop, speakers, projector, etc.)
    • Mileage/fuel reimbursement
    • Cell phone allowance
    • Presenter training and related staff/volunteer professional development
    • Public relations, program promotional materials, and social media engagement  
  3. If applicable, consult your organization’s financial personnel to determine direct, indirect, and overhead expenses related to the program (make sure you value all volunteers at a reasonable rate for services provided).
  4. Calculate cost-per-student (direct expense + indirect expense + overhead) divided by total students served = cost-per-student.

More Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Implementation Tip Sheets:
Tip Sheet: How to Implement Effective SRAE Programming
Tip Sheet: Important Facts About SRAE
Tip Sheet: Creating a Healthy Organizational Culture to Support Your SRAE Program
Tip Sheet: Considerations for Implementing an SRAE Program at the Local Level
Tip Sheet: Cost Considerations of Implementing an SRAE Program
Tip Sheet: Choosing an SRAE Curriculum
Tip Sheet: Sample Job Descriptions for SRAE Administrators and Presenters
Tip Sheet: How to Interview Candidates for the SRAE Presenter Role
Tip Sheet: Qualities of a Successful SRAE Presenter
Tip Sheet: Finding Effective SRAE Presenters
Tip Sheet: Training and Retaining SRAE Presenters
Tip Sheet: Enhancing Your Relationship with the SRAE Program Host
Tip Sheet: Getting Your SRAE Program into Schools

By Ascend under contract with Public Strategies. (2021) [SRAE Quick Tip Guide] Public Strategies, Oklahoma City, OK.