There is no guaranteed formula for hiring an effective SRAE curriculum presenter. However, there are several qualities most successful and persuasive presenters possess:
- Passionate about the topic – A strong belief in the SRA message increases the presenter’s ability to teach it effectively.
- Empathetic – Connecting with an audience is of utmost importance in presenting curriculum topics. Imagining and/or understanding how audience members may think or feel about a topic can create the empathy needed to make a presentation resonate.
- Self-aware – Understanding how tone, verbiage, and body language impact the delivery of one’s message is essential to the compelling and effective delivery of content. Reading the audience’s facial expressions to gauge comprehension and being able to clarify information when confusion is perceived is a significant asset for a presenter.
- Energetic – The presenter sets the tone and expectation for the presentation of the curriculum. Plenty of energy should be put forth to engage an audience and keep student attention.
- Confident – A powerful presenter knows the curriculum material, including the how and why behind curriculum concepts. A confident presenter is aware of his/her strengths and weaknesses and is not intimidated by questions or pushback on the material. Helping students think critically about challenging concepts is a welcome opportunity for a confident presenter.
- Authentic – Young people are very perceptive and are sensitive to disingenuous behaviors and attitudes. Honesty is important. It is okay to not know all the answers and let students know you will find answers germane to the discussion.
- Dependable – The delivery of information by the same presenter/s helps build trust and fosters healthy relationships through consistent, reliable interaction.
- Flexibility – Unique and unpredictable schedule requirements are a norm for most SRAE presenters. Adjustments may be necessary due to changing school schedules and unanticipated events that interrupt classroom presentations.
More Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Implementation Tip Sheets:
Tip Sheet: How to Implement Effective SRAE Programming
Tip Sheet: Important Facts About SRAE
Tip Sheet: Creating a Healthy Organizational Culture to Support Your SRAE Program
Tip Sheet: Considerations for Implementing an SRAE Program at the Local Level
Tip Sheet: Cost Considerations of Implementing an SRAE Program
Tip Sheet: Choosing an SRAE Curriculum
Tip Sheet: Sample Job Descriptions for SRAE Administrators and Presenters
Tip Sheet: How to Interview Candidates for the SRAE Presenter Role
Tip Sheet: Finding Effective SRAE Presenters
Tip Sheet: Training and Retaining SRAE Presenters
Tip Sheet: Enhancing Your Relationship with the SRAE Program Host
Tip Sheet: Getting Your SRAE Program into Schools
By Ascend under contract with Public Strategies. (2021) [SRAE Quick Tip Guide] Public Strategies, Oklahoma City, OK.